5 Basics You Must Follow to Protect Your Skin’s Health

Skin care is important to most of us, as we use creams, cosmetics and even surgeries in order to restore the youthful of our skin. We dedicate time for treating our skin every single day and try to do the best we can to rejuvenate it. But in the process and the daily routine, sometimes we forget the basics for protecting our skin’s health. If you tend to forget it too, here’s only 5 basics you should follow in order to allow your skin to remain healthy.

1. Drink Water

Drinking water throughout the day is very important for our skin’s health. Keeping the skin hydrated is a basic key of maintaining a healthy skin. Dry skin may lead to wrinkles and not only, but also to scratches and irritations to damage the skin. So make sure you consume enough water everyday even if it is in winter time – your skin need it.

2. Cleanliness Is In Order

Keeping your skin clean is also one of the basics for skin care. We tend to touch our faces tens of times during the day and our hands aren’t always clean while doing so. Therefore, we pass germs from our hands to our face and it damages our skin’s health. Even if you wash your hands on a regular basis, almost everything we touch carry germs on it, be it our cellphone, our computer and even the steering wheel in our car. So first, try to touch your face as little as possible. Wash it at least 2-3 times during your day and wipe it with antibacterial wipes every now and then.

3. Eat Healthy

Yes, your nutrition decisions also effect on your skin’s health. If you’re consuming a lot of junk food, fried foods and high in fat foods, it will reflect upon your skin. While eating vegetables will contribute to your skin’s health – each vegetable with its miraculous benefits.

4. Sun Protection

Our skin needs the vitamin D that the sun provides it with. But, the measurement is the key to keep the balance between enjoying the sun benefits while avoiding its risks. Therefore, while staying exposed to the sun for a long time, for example: on a long day at the beach, it is extremely important to use sun protection elements, such as: sitting under a parasol’s shade, applying sunscreen to our skin and yet again – drinking a lot of water.

5. Exercise

Exercising is the secret weapon of skin care. But it is also the very hard to consist with too. Dedicating at least two hours per week can be a great way to start working out and improving not only your skin care but also your life style.  

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